Riana Elyse Anderson

Riana Elyse Anderson

Riana Elyse Anderson

Assistant Professor
University of Michigan , School of Public Health, Department of Health Behaviors & Health Education

Riana investigates how protective familial mechanisms such as parenting and racial socialization operate in the face of risks linked to discrimination and residential environment. She is particularly interested in how these factors predict familial functioning and subsequent child psychosocial well-being when youth are enrolled in family-based interventions. Riana is also the developer and director of the EMBRace (Engaging, Managing, and Bonding through Race) intervention and loves to translate her work for a variety of audiences, particularly those whom she serves in the community, via blogs, video, and literary articles. One such venture has been "Our Mental Health Minute" YouTube series, in which Riana and a colleague tackle the stigma of mental health in the Black community through psychoeducational and entertainment-focused brief videos.